National Bald Eagle Watch Month
January Holidays 2009
Did you know that every single day is a holiday? Yep... Everyday! Somewhere.
Someone is celebrating something! Get the entire family involved this month.
Learn about the Bald Eagle while you celebrate Bald Eagle Watch Month. Write
a letter to the grandparents and celebrate National Letter Writing Month.
January doesn't have to be boring, spice it up with a holiday celebration or
Celebrate January Holidays
- Run Up the Flagpole and See if Anybody Salutes It Day
- Boo Boo Bear's Birthday
(Yogi Bear's Friend)
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Day
- National Science Fiction Day
(Night Vision was created)
- Swiss Cheese Day
- Happy Mew Year for Cats Day
- Festival of Sleep Day
- Brooklyn Bridge Birthday
(Construction Began in 1870)
- Drinking Straw's Birthday
(Patented in 1888)
- Women Rock! Day
- National Write to Congress Day
- National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
- Trivia Day
- Humiliation Day
- Isaac Newton's Birthday
- Dimpled Chad Day
- Blender Created
- Roller Skates Birthday
- Appendectomy Day
(1885 First Appendectomy preformed)
- Louis Braille's Birthday
(Born 1809)
- Jakob Grimm's Birthday
(Born 1785)
- Earth at Perihelion
- National Bird Day
- Bozo the Clown's Birthday
- FM Radio Birthday
- National Second Hand Wardrobe Day
- Bean Day
- Three Kings Day
- National Smith Day
(Give everyone with the name of Smith a hug)
- Schoolhouse Rock Birthday
- Pepe Le Pew's Birthday
- Sherlock Holme's Birthday
- Epiphany or Twelfth Night
- Old Rock Day
- I'm not going to take it anymore day!
- Organize your home day
(Clean out those closets)
- Fruitcake Toss Day
- National Joy Germ Day
- National English Toffee Day
- Man Watcher's Day
- National Show and Tell Day
- Bubble Bath Day
- Milk Carton Birthday
- Elvis Presley's Birthday
(Born 1935)
- Midwife or Women's Day
- Show and Tell Day at Work
- Play God Day
- Aviation in America Day
- Word Nerd Day
- Organize Your Home Day
- First Meeting of United Nations
- Jeep Grand Cherokee Birthday
- Peculiar People Day
- National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
- National Step in a Puddle
- Splash Your Friend Day
- Milk Day
(Milk bottles delivered for first time in 1878)
- Secret Pal Day
- International Thank You Day
- Make Your Dream Come True Day
- Sesame Street Rubber Duckie's Birthday
- International Skeptics Day
- Blame Someone Else Day
- National Dress Up Your Pet Day
- Bald Eagle Appreciation Days
- C-Section Birthday
(First Successful Operation 1794)
- Ratification Day
- Penguin Awareness Day
- Hat Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
- National Humanitarian Day
- National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
- Elementary School Teacher Day
- Champion of the Month Day
- World Religion Day
- Hot and Spicy Food International Day
- National Religious Freedom Day
- National Nothing Day
- Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day
- National Buttercrunch Day
- National Hugging Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday
- National Answer Your Cat's Question Day
- National Blonde Brownie Day
- National Handwriting Day
- National Pie Day
- Measure Your Feet Day
- Australia Day
- National Peanut Brittle Day
- Punch the Clock Day
- Thomas Crapper Day
- Mozart Day
- Auschwitz Liberation Anniversary
- Day of Remembrance for Victims of Nazism
- Holocaust Memorial Day
- National Kazoo Day
- Clash Day
- Rattle Snake Round-Up Day
- National Popcorn Day
- Child Labor Day
Learning Calendars
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