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Budget Homeschool Links

Thank you for visiting Budget Homeschool. This section of our site provides free resources for homeschooling parents and students on a variety of topics and subject matter. I hope you find these links useful.

While I do my best to keep this list as up-to-date as possible, some websites do fall by the wayside. If you find a bad link, or a link that should be included here, please let me know.

Happy Homeschooling!

[Subjects]  [/English] [/Writing]
    • Creating Effective Writing Assignmentsby MIT Online Writing and Communication Center Ages: 12 - 18Assignment sheets should detail the kind of writing expected, the scope of acceptable subject matter, the length requirements, formatting requirements, documentation format, the amount and type of research expected, the writer's role, and deadlines.Subjects: steps, writing, expectations, instruction, course, goals, drafts, process

    • Student Writing Modelsby Write Source Ages: 7 - 18Often, we receive student writing samples that are too long for our handbooks or that fall into a category already covered by another model. This is where we publish these student writing samples. Submissions are listed by grade level and type.Subjects: publish, writing, sample, personal narrative, report, description, expository, poem, fable

    • Effective Writingby Jane Straus Ages: 10+Guidelines for effective writing in regard to letters, reports, memos, resumes, school papers, or even e-mails.Subjects: grammatical form, dangling modifier, sentence fragment, weak and strong clauses

    • Guide to Grammar & Writingby Capital Community College Foundation Ages: 8+The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes, recommendations on writing, from basic problems in subject-verb agreement and the use of articles.Subjects: grammar, writing style, punctuation, parts of speech, paragraph development

    • Improve your English with Writing DEN!by ACT360 Media Ltd. Ages: 5 - 19Improve your English reading, writing and listening skills with this interactive site. Fresh topics and great online activities!Subjects: learning, reading, pronunciation, second language, activities

    • Grammar and Punctuation Games & Activitiesby Woodlands Junior School Ages: 8+Many Literacy Games and Activities for kids to help improve literacy skills, including interactive whiteboards, literacy resources, literacy games, literacy teaching resources, and more.Subjects: proof reading, sentences, punctuation, spelling, activities

    • Launch Pad Where Young Authors and Illustrators Take Off!by Launch Pad Ages: 6 - 12Launch Pad: Where Young Authors and Illustrators Take Off! is a new online magazine devoted to publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, book reviews and artwork by children ages 6-12.Subjects: blog, authors, illustrators, writing, gallery, art, samples

    • Handwriting for Kidsby Linda C. Readman Ages: 4+Free handwriting lessons to teach kids and adults how to write alphabets, numbers, sentences, bible school, scriptures, and even their name! Subjects: alphabet recognition, bible verses, interactive, letter formation

    • Literatureby Annenberg Media Ages: 5 - 19This interactive exhibit takes visitors on a literary journey through the classic short story "A Jury of Her Peers." Activities in the exhibit invite visitors to describe setting, write story and solve mystery who killed John Wright.Subjects: plot, character, theme, setting, point of view, short story, fiction

    • Concise and Effective Writingby Bruce Keener Ages: 12+One thing that is a huge time-waster for a lot of professionals is having to rewrite memos and other documents. A lot of the rewriting is due to the documents not being concise. And a lot is from the documents not being effective.Subjects: readers, audience background, statement of purpose, outline, simple words

    • Creating a Custom Tracer Pageby DLTK's Sites Ages: 4+With these activities just type in anything you like into the custom tracer pages to practice printing (standard block or script type printing fonts) or cursive handwriting.Subjects: printable, worksheets, alphabet, handwriting, learning, cursive, print

    • Responding to Student Writingby University of Washington Ages: 12+Students can catch up to 60% of their own errors if they are taught to proofread. Students usually pay attention to comments only when they are given a chance to revise. It makes more sense for you to invest your time and energy responding to the first...Subjects: errors, revisions, constructive commentary, margins, final drafts, format

    • The Purdue Online Writing Labby English Department, Purdue University Ages: 12+This online Writing Lab serves writers from around the world and helps writers on Purdue's campus. We offer over 200 free resources including writing and teaching writing, research, grammar and mechanics, and much more.Subjects: APA formatting, style guide, basic business letters, plagiarism

    • Journalism Toolsby Project for Excellence in Journalism Ages: 12+This page offers links to a Tool Box of ideas, strategies and techniques about how to produce and understand journalism. The materials were collected by the Committee of Concerned Journalists, a consortium of journalist in news around the world.Subjects: strategies, techniques, journalists, materials, news, tv and radio

    • Dictionary.comby Ages: 8+Largest free online dictionary and audio pronunciation. Instantly look up accurate and exhaustive definitions from trusted sources.Subjects: words, definitions, syllables, translate, pronunciation, interesting words

    • Writing Tipsby Newcastle University Ages: 10+This page contains links to material that should help you write up laboratory reports, dissertations and theses. They have been culled from various sources and are meant to be general guidelines rather than strict rules.Subjects: research, thesis, reports, communication, dissertations, scientific writing

    • Walden Writing Centerby Walden University Ages: 13+Walden's Writing Center offers a staff of editors and tutors to help you find your scholarly voice and to communicate more effectively with others.Subjects: citation, reference rules, APA format, terminology, plagiarism, grammar

    • Publishing Student Writingby Web English Teacher Ages: 6+These are links to places where children of all ages can publish their stories, poems, essays, and artwork.Subjects: literature, publishing, producing books, images, printables

    • UniLearningby University of Wollongong Ages: 12+Just as there are differences in the way we use language for speech and for writing, there are also differences in the way we write for different situations.Subjects: effective, academic, essay, reports, reading, note taking, critical thinking

    • Writing a Sonnetby Sonnet Central Ages: 12+I've gotten a lot of mail lately about writing sonnets. As far as getting started, I think the easiest way is just to think of an iambic pentameter line--maybe one from a well known sonnet--and try to say something natural, modeled on that.Subjects: sentences, phrases, rhyme, poem, syllables, Shakespeare

    • "How Will This Improve Student Writing?"by Steve Krause Ages: 13+"How will this improve student writing?" is the question asked of CMC advocates by others within the academy, professionals who want and deserve an answer to this question.Subjects: exploratory study, composition, book chapter, students, classroom, research

    • How to Write Effective Textby Daniel Will-Harris Ages: 12+This is a virtual primer for creating great web sites-offering information, inspiration, assistance and entertainment. Written in friendly, simple terms, for everyone who wants to plan, design, build, publish and promote web sites for content.Subjects: website, html, content, site building, design software, database publishing

    • How to Write Seriesby Anthologies Online Ages: 12+Find free articles and markets to help you get published. For readers, find your favorite authors, anthologies, and other books. Editors, send in your calls for manuscripts. Find writers and manuscripts to fill your anthologies.Subjects: published, poetry, characters, creative fiction, writers block

    • Journalism.orgby Project for Excellence in Journalism Ages: 12+The Project for Excellence in Journalism is a research organization that specializes in using empirical methods to evaluate and study the performance of the press.Subjects: news, information revolution, understanding, media, journalism