Budget Homeschool Links
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[/Government] [/Civics] | |  Civics Lesson Plansby teAchnology Ages: 12 - 18TeAch-nology offers a wide variety of free resources intended to bring educators into the world of teaching with technology. It provides links to valuable information relative to current and best practices in the field of education. Free ResourcesSubjects: civics, freedom, government, lessons, rights, interactive, media, community
 Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kidsby U.S. Government Printing Office. Ages: 5 - 12This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources will teach how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of GPO Access, and how one can use GPO Access to carry out their civic...Subjects: Free Activity Book, curriculum, government, links, games
Civics and Politicsby Truth in News Press Ages: 14+To inform, educate and amuze. Find current events articles, political commentary, importion federal documents and much more...Subjects: current events, civics, politics, documents, constitution
Free Online Coursesby Eagle Forum University Ages: 14+Learn how activist judges are changing the culture of America and what We the People can do to remedy their unconstitutional decisions. Subjects: Supreme Court 101, government, civics, politics, microeconomics, constitution
 Civics Online: [Re]Envisioning the Democratic Community Ages: 6 - 18Civics Online is a collaborative, project providing teachers, students, and parents with a rich array of mulit-media primary source materials, learning tools, and professional development resources to enhance current approaches to teaching civics.Subjects: multimedia, timeline, glossary, civics, resources, history
Welcome to Kids.govby Federal Citizen Information Center Ages: 5 - 15Kids.gov is the official kids' portal for the U.S. government. It links to over 1,200 web pages from government agencies, schools, and educational organizations, all geared to the learning level and interest of kids.Subjects: White House, presidents, environment, Constitution
English Literacy and Civics Educationby Colorado Department of Education Ages: 12+To effectively participate in education, work, and civic opportunities in this country, immigrants must not only master English, but be able to understand and navigate governmental, educational, workplace systems and key institutions.Subjects: immigration, citizenship, resources, programs, democracy
The Civil War Wasn't About Slaveryby Walter Williams Ages: 10+The war of 1861 was not a civil war. A civil war is a conflict between two or more factions trying to take over a government. In 1861, Confederate President Jefferson Davis was no more interested in taking over Washington than George Washington was interested in taking over England in 1776. History books have misled today's Americans to believe the war was fought to free slaves. Subjects: Civil War, slavery, liberty, Abraham Lincoln, politicians, War of Northern Aggression, The War Between the States, free slaves, politicians, tarriff acts, congress
Constitution of the United Statesby GPO AccessThe Constitution of the United States of America, Analysis and Interpretation: Analysis of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States is available in a series of browse able tables. Editions and supplements from 1992 forward are available.Subjects: amendments, ratification, judicial, executive, public law
US Constitution For Dummy’s Part IIby JB Williams Ages: 10+In Part I of this article, we covered Amendment I of our Constitution, that amendment which receives the most abuse in our society today. In Part II, I want to address Amendment X, what it says, what it means, and how it too is being misused.Subjects: politics, information, elections, federal government, president, Iraq war
Growth of a Nationby Animated Atlas Ages: 7+This ten minute presentation illustrates the growth of the United States from the original thirteen states in 1789.Subjects: interactive, historical, timeline, United States, prosperity
The New United States of America Adopted the Bill of Rightsby Library of Congress Ages: 8+Do you know your Bill of Rights? It is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, confirming the fundamental rights of American citizens.Subjects: timeline, Bill of Rights, George Mason, The First Amendment
Vindicating the Foundersby Thomas G. West Ages: 10+We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...Subjects: Congress, historical documents, thirteen states, founders, Declaration of Independence, rights, We the People, freedom, tyranny, citizens, oppression
U.S. Electoral Collegeby Fact-index.com Ages: 12+The U.S. Electoral College meets every four years with Electors from each U.S. state to elect the President of the United States. The electoral process was clarified with the ratification of Amendment XII.Subjects: election, political, voters, presidential, federal law
Congress Linkby The Dirksen Congressional Center Ages: 12+CongressLink is a resource for teachers, that provides information about the U.S. Congress, how it works, its members and leaders, and the public policies it produces. The site also hosts lesson plans, reference and historical materials,Subjects: Congress, lesson plans, amendments, U.S. Constitution, congressional procedures, government, civics, class projects, students
The Common Goodby Australian Broadcasting Corporation Ages: 8+This is a database of resources for teaching civics and citizenship. The information is provided by bona fide educational organizations and by the ABC.Subjects: teaching resources, projects, citizenship, games, database
The Great Seal of the United State of Americaby U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Ages: 8+On July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress set a committee to work to design a national seal. The task was a monumental one since the feeling was that it reflected the Founding Fathers' beliefs, values and sovereignty of the new Nation.Subjects: national seal, deign, motto, coat of arms, Congress
The Eagle Standardby Dave B. Martucci Ages: 8+During the Revolutionary War, Washington corresponded on many occasions with the Board of War regarding "the standard of the U. States," but it was not until 1783 that such Standards were supplied to the army. The actual design of these Standards is not explicitly stated in the correspondence but can be infered from other sources.Subjects: national seal, symbols, coat of arms, bald eagle, Revolutionary War, flag designs, Society of Cincinnati, Eagle Flag, history, U.S., Civil War
Teaching Kids To Save & Invest Wiselyby Gary D. Halbert Ages: 18+It doesn't matter if your kids or grandkids are adolescents in their early teens or if they are grown adults of any age. We are never too old or too well off to save and invest wisely.Subjects: teaching, finance, investment, money, kids, motivation, saving
The Charters of Freedomby The U.S. National Archives and Records Admin. Ages: 10+Information and images on several important historical American documents including the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.Subjects: images, documents, facts, Constitution, charters
Thomas Jefferson’s Draft of the Declaration of Independence 1776by Thomas G. West Ages: 8+Condemnation of the slave trade deleted because of objections from South Carolina and Georgia.Subjects: slavery, trading, legislation, historical documents, human rights
Roman Law by Thomas Rufner Ages: 12+These pages are dedicated to Roman Law, the legal system invented by the Romans more than 2000 years ago, which having undergone the process of decay, revival, transformation and reinterpretation innumerable times, continues to influence legal thinking and legal practice to our days.Subjects: resource, legal system, Roman Law, history, biographical, Europe, Corpus Iuris, Emperor Justinian, medieval, ancient legal texts, online project, education
The Rights of the Colonists: Adopted by the Town of Boston 1772by Thomas G. West Ages: 8+One of the clearest statements of principle published by an elected body during the founding era, this document gives a fuller account of the principles of the Declaration.Subjects: colonies, rights of men, civil laws, religion, Christians
Campaign Manager 2006by The Campaign Manager Group Ages: 12+Campaign Manager 2006 puts you in control of the race for the U.S. Senate. You, the Campaign Manager, control every facet of the campaign's operations, from budget to fundraising to message. From the day your candidate enters the race until the election.Subjects: elections, campaign, operations, Senate, stages, fundraising
Two Logical Errors in Constitutional Jurisprudenceby Roger Pilon Ages: 14+Thomas Jefferson anticipated that the Supreme Court, unaccountable and independent of any check or balance from the States, would ultimately serve to expand federal power far beyond the limits set by the Constitution. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.Subjects: Constitution, expansion of power, government, Supreme Court, United States, federal government, Lopez v. the United States, federal law, Federalists, Jefferson, limiting federal power
Non-Taxable Wages and Salariesby USA The Republic Ages: 18+This index page list several articles on the Internal Revenue Service. These articles include legal briefs and research documents. Subjects: links, IRS, law, taxes, federal, history, W-2, jury
Presidential Election 2004: The Impact of Campaign Spendingby Alan Sharpiro Ages: 5 - 19Campaign financing is a longstanding issue; the amounts raised and spent are enormous. Efforts to curb fundraising and spending have had only limited effects; serious questions are being asked about the effects on candidates, presidents, and democracy.Subjects: spending, campaign, presidential, elections, finance
The Virginia Declaration of Rightsby Thomas G. West Ages: 10+This was the first "Bill of Rights" to appear in America. It was printed at the beginning of the Virginia Constitution. Its principal author was George Mason. It became the basis for the Declarations of Rights of several other states.Subjects: Virginia, representatives, Pennsylvania, George Mason, powers of the State
What Secrets Are Protected Under a Claim of Executive Privilege?by Landmark Cases Ages: 12+In United States v. Nixon (1974), the President's lawyers claimed that he had an absolute right of executive privilege. Since the power of executive privilege is not expressly stated in the Constitution, there was some controversy over this matter.Subjects: Supreme Court, executive, Richard Nixon, Constitution
The National Archives Milestonesby The U.S. National Archives and Records Admin. Ages: 10+Here you will have access to information on American history and its government from the great archives of the National Archives. View the history of the National Archives that makes them famous.Subjects: timeline, history, archives, legislation, records