Budget Homeschool Links
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[/Math] [/Finance] | | Free Printable Budget Worksheetsby H Brothers Ages: 12+The first step in using a budget is to indentify expenses. Then followup on your actual expenses and find areas where you can improve. You might be surprised where your money goes.Subjects: worksheets, budget, finances, household, saving, money
Saving Money Tips for Teens Ages: 12+Each of these sites provides loads of ideas, pointers, advice, and insight. It's all aimed at making you more financially savvy and to help keep you from making the same mistakes that many young people make when they first begin to exercise financial independence.Subjects: resource, teens, budget, money, job, resume, managing credit, employee, habits, economy, calculator
Practical Money Skillsby Visa Ages: 12+Start the year off on solid financial footing by resolving to make these changes. They may be small, but their impact can be remarkable. Discover how you can prepare yourself and your finances to ensure you will be covered in the event of job loss, illness or another event.Subjects: resouce, identity theft, handling the unexpected, games, credit, finances, money, coins, allowance, budget, investing, credit cards
 Escape from Barter Islands Ages: 8+Why do we have money? Think about a dollar bill: If you're hungry, you can't eat it; in a rainstorm, it won't keep you dry. But you can trade it for an apple or an umbrella. If you lived in a world without money, how would you get the things you want and need?Subjects: game, money, barter, trade, interactive, education, learn, explore, fun
Gotham Gazette's 2010 Budget Gameby Gotham Gazette Ages: 12 - 18This interactive budget game lets you balance the city's $44.5 billion budget. You begin with a $3.8 billion budget gap -- just like Mayor Bloomberg. Start out with Bloomberg's plan and add or reduce spending (or taxes and fees) as you see fit.Subjects: interactive, budget, practice, game, spending, taxes, balance, financial education, spending, revenue
 Financial literacy and kidsby Leslie Parrish Ages: 16+Research shows that, regardless of income or race, kids are growing up without knowing the basics that will keep them out of financial trouble. The numbers speak for themselves. Young adults have the second highest rate of bankruptcy...Subjects: article, finances, debt, college, bankruptcy, learning, children, literacy
 Saving Questby Well Fargo Advisors Ages: 7 - 16How to save and reach your savings goal can be learnt by playing a round of My Savings Quest. The character you play has to learn how to save money by budgeting and spending within the money earned from a choice of jobs, and savings. The game teaches you simply how to save for the things you want while paying for the things you need.Subjects: resource, savings, goals, budget, save money, game, interactive, earnings
 Rich Kid Smart Kidby The Rich Dad Company Ages: 7 - 13Future entrepreneurs have this website for free lessons on finance and wealth creation. All lessons are taught by Toki using four financial games. Games are designed around levels from Kindergarten to Grade 12. My friend Toki has been teaching us financial lessons that her rich dad taught her! Click on one of the games and learn how to be smart with your money.Subjects: interactive resource, Rich Dad Poor Dad, financial lessons, spending, finance, investing, money, smart money, earning, saving, money education
Wise Pockets Worldby Mary Anne Pettit Ages: 10 - 15A great place for kids, parents, and teachers to learn about managing money. Your attitudes and actions in dealing with spending and family finances are the most powerful lessons your child will learn about money.Subjects: personal finance, saving, activity sheets, visuals, money, spending, allowance
Help Your Family Save Money Ages: 7 - 13You can help your family save money by remembering to do little things like turning off the lights and clipping coupons. Use the tips in the comic below to learn ways of helping your family save money every day. Share with your friends so they can help at home too!Subjects: resource, money, financial times, save money, electricity, recycle, borrow, coupons
 Investing Money Lessonsby Money Instructor Ages: 10+Lessons and worksheets for teaching, learning, and understanding basic investing and financial concepts. Teach and learn stocks, the stock market, investing, savings accounts, bonds, and basic economics.Subjects: investing, stock market, lesson plans, worksheets, bonds, trading, math, personal finance
Basic Finance Conceptsby Mark McCracken Ages: 15+TeachMeFinance.com teaches you basic finance concepts including, financial terms, charts, stock and bond, credit reports, and balance sheets.Subjects: valuation, interest rates, capital, resource, annuities
 Financial Literacy for Everyoneby Practical Money Skills Ages: 4+Give your students a deeper understanding of money management using a curriculum offered by Practical Money Skills. Find lesson plans for students of all ages. We also offer course materials for students with special needs.Subjects: free, personal finance, college, students, worksheets, quizzes, games, lesson plans
Teaching Kids To Save & Invest Wiselyby Gary D. Halbert Ages: 18+It doesn't matter if your kids or grandkids are adolescents in their early teens or if they are grown adults of any age. We are never too old or too well off to save and invest wisely.Subjects: teaching, finance, investment, money, kids, motivation, saving
Free Stock Market Simulation Game!by Smart Stocks Ages: 12+Smartstocks.com is a free virtual stock market simulation game. Users are able to trade fantasy stocks using virtual money the same way they would trade real stocks using actual money with a genuine online brokerage account.Subjects: investing, stock market, trading, math, personal finance
Prepaid Allowance Cards for Teensby Local Homeschool Ages: 13 - 18New allowance cards take the concept of allowance and updates it for 21st century, available nationally, this new tool provides lesson plans and parental controls that help teach your child how to manage his or her own money safely and conveniently.Subjects: teens, money, finance, allowance, budget, chores
Finance and Economicsby Council for Economic Education Ages: 7+Check out our new online training modules. Teacher training anytime and anywhere. More than 633 lessons to choose from - and they're all Free!Subjects: finance, investors, resources, programs, news, training
Investing Lessons for Kidsby New York Life Ages: 10 - 18To be successful, you have to invest not just money, but also time, to build knowledge. Smart investing has nothing to do with dumb luck. Think about it. Money decisions determine whether or not you can afford to go to the movies tonight...Subjects: investing, kids, money, socks, learn, goals, advice, interest
Goodbye Marvin Gardens - Hello Golden Gate Bridgeby Shawn and Annette Hall Ages: 8+One of the best improvements this game has over the original is the minimal clean-up time. There is no cash to dole out when setting up, no cash to get ripped and mangled during heated play and best of all, no money to clean up when the game is done.Subjects: math, monopoly, game, ATM, finance, money
Virtual Stock Exchangeby Market Watch Ages: 18+VSE is an online simulation trading game where you build and manage your own portfolios and compete in games against your friends, classmates, colleagues or other players - risk-free! Subjects: stock, finance, games, resources, strategy, tools
Saving & Investing Wisely - Part II Teaching Your Adult Children To Saveby Gary D. Halbert Ages: 15+This week, I will discuss how to help your ADULT children or grandchildren become better savers. You might not think it is necessary (or even your business) to teach your adult children to become better savers. Yet we face a savings crisis in America as I will point out below. And as I stressed in Part I of this series, I believe it is our obligation as parents to teach our kids to save and invest wisely.Subjects: save, invest, finance, budgeting, money, obligation, obstacles
A Comprehensive Guide to Teaching Children About Finance Ages: 12+In today's world children are bombarded with an instant gratification mentality. With credit cards and "buy it now pay later" children can become unaware of this problematic premise within finances. Financial literacy statistics show that out of 4,000 students only 35.5% passed the Jump$tart finance survey.Subjects: resouce, credit, finances, money, coins, allowance, budget, investing, credit cards, retirement, stocks and bonds
Financial education for kidsby Money 101 Ages: 7 - 18Up until they start earning a living, and sometimes well beyond that, kids are apt to spend money like it grows on trees. This lesson will help you put your children on the road to handling money responsibly. Once they learn how money works, children often display an instinctive conservatism.Subjects: money 101, teaching, spending, saving, credit, investing, budget, stocks, mutual funds, earnings, taxes, allowance, credit cards, checking account
ICantPayMyBill.com Ages: 15+There is also an undeniable social stigma involved in being unable to pay a bill, and this website was founded as a support forum for people who, for whatever reason, find themselves in this uncomfortable situation. We invite you to browse our library of bill paying tips and guides.Subjects: resouce, credit, finances, money, auto loans, electric, support, HEAP, student loans, expenses, free cash, debt, creditors, pay bills, strategy
Play a Virtual Market by Rob Meyer Ages: 12+While cleaning the cushions of your couch, you find an old gold pocket watch that you don't recognize. You are shocked to learn that the watch's original owner was none other than George Washington. It's time to play the stock market.Subjects: math, stock, trading, games, market, buying
 H.I.P Pocket Changeby The United States Mint Ages: 7 - 18Help Plinky dive for dollar coins and buy sails before Sea Monster catches her. Color on screen pictures of the quarters of the 50 State Quarters Program. The Circulating Coins section tells you all about the coins we use every day.Subjects: coins, mint, games, collecting, puzzles, facts
 FDIC Learning Bankby Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Ages: 18+The Federal Deposit Insurance Coproration is the US governmental agency that insures bank depositors if their bank fails. The FDIC also is the Federal bank regulator responsible for supervising certain savings banks and state-chartered banks...Subjects: depositors, bank, money, accounts, IRA's, financial
Stock Market Lesson Plansby Lesson Plan Central Ages: 7+Students will track stocks and the major market indicators for 30 days. They will then chart the value of the stocks along with the market. Students learn about how the stock market works; they learn to read a stock market report.Subjects: lesson plans, stocks, portfolios, webquests, worksheets, links
Learn 2 Write a Business Planby Mind Spark Ages: 16+You've figured out how to build a widget that's better than every other widget on the market. You know who needs it and why. You even know how to reach customers and convince them to purchase your product. Subjects: steps, write, plan, money, business, research, management
 Stock Market Resourcesby Jerrie S. Cheek Ages: 8+This is a comprehensive resource for investors and issuers seeking the unique market environment offered at the american stock exchange. Kids, begin your adventure by choosing one of the activities...Subjects: game, resources, lessons, math, invest, kids, currency
Your Free Fantasy Investing Poolby Investopedia Ages: 18+Join the Investopedia Simulator for FREE and receive $100,000 in virtual cash! Put your trading skills to the test against other users and see where you rank among the thousands of Investopedia traders. Subjects: compete, learning, investors, stock, trading, financial
How to Read Bond Quotesby Carmelo J. Montalbano Ages: 18+Because corporate and municipal bonds tend to trade less frequently than current United States Treasury issues, investors should proceed with caution when reading bond quotes. Read bond quotes carefully. Quotes contain a bid and an offered price.Subjects: bonds, investors, trade, quotes, value, process, transaction
Lesson - Stock Market Simulationby Money Instructor Ages: 8+This is a lesson for teaching a stock market simulation. All necessary information is included. No prior stock market knowledge or preparation is necessary.Subjects: lesson, stock, knowledge, business, economy, materials