Budget Homeschool Links
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resources for homeschooling parents and students on a variety of topics and subject
matter. I hope you find these links useful.
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[/Science] [/Tsunami] | | 2004 Tsunami Animation Ages: 12 - 15Watch the 2004 Sumantar Earthquake as it expands on the map.Subjects: earthquake, tsunami, animation, map, visual effect
Tsunami!by Department of Earth and Space Sciences Ages: 10 - 18Pictures and video from the 2004 Sumatra tsunami highlighted the vast difference between tsunamis and wind generated waves. Because tsunamis have very long wavelengths they come ashore more like a long lasting flood wave rather than the breaking surf.Subjects: tsunami, earthquake, Pacific Ocean, history, waves
Tsunamis: Facts About Killer Wavesby National Geographic News Ages: 12+The Indian Ocean tsunami generated by the most powerful earthquake in decades on December 26 is believed to have killed more than 150,000 people and made millions homeless, making it perhaps the most destructive tsunami in history.Subjects: article, Sumatra, Indonesia, tectonic plates, Indian Ocean
 Earthquakes for Kidsby U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Ages: 8 - 18The earliest reference we have to unusual animal behavior prior to a significant earthquake is from Greece in 373 BC. Rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes reportedly left their homes and headed for safety several days before a destructive earthquake.Subjects: science, projects, games, history, geologist, pictures, Earthquake ABC
FEMA For Kids Tsunamiby Federal Emergency Management Agency Ages: 9 - 13A tsunami (pronounced soo-nahm-ee) is a series of huge waves that happen after an undersea disturbance, such as an earthquake or volcano eruption. (Tsunami is from the Japanese word for harbor wave.) Subjects: tsunami, warning center, earth game, photos, things to know
Killer Wave! Tsunami--Pictures, Map, Facts, Resources--National Geographic Kids
Phuket Tsunami Photo Gallery Ages: 8+Incredible images of the Phuket Tsunami that hit Thailand on December 26, 2004.Subjects: photos, images, tsunami, Thailand, Phuket
Tsunami Wordsearch Game Ages: 8 - 15As you look for the hidden words, remember that they can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal -- frontward or backward! Once you've found a word, simply click on the first letter and drag to the last.Subjects: tsunami, wordsearch, game, earthquake, activity
Tsunami Video
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake Ages: 14 - 18The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.Subjects: earthquake, tsunami, Indian Ocean, tectonic plates, ocean
NOVA Wave That Shook the World PBS
The Deadliest Tsunami in History
Tsunamis and the West Coast
What You Should Doby National Weather Service Ages: 9+Some tsunamis can be very large. In coastal areas their height can be as great as 30 feet or more (100 feet in extreme cases), and they can move inland several hundred feet. All low lying coastal areas can be struck by tsunamis.Subjects: tsunami, earthquake, facts, school, warning, evacuate
Homeschoolers Plan to Help Tsunami Victims
Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami
Tsunami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tsunami Hazard Mitigation
Tsunamis and Earthquakes Links
BBC NEWS In Depth 2004 Asia quake disaster
BBC News In graphics - Asia earthquake explained
Dynamic Earth--Weather-Weather lesson plan (grades K-5) Discovery School
Giant earthquake near Indonesia.
It Seemed Like a Scene From the Bible
Pacific Tsunami Museum
Savage Earth Waves of Destruction
Savage Seas - The Crow's Nest
Surviving A Tsunami - Lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan
The Big Picture Tsunami Resources
Tsunami Facts - Hawaii School Reports