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[/Etiquette] | | Manners for Kids (and Parents)by Pearson Education Ages: 3 - 17Elbows on the table, back talk, and trips to the rest room -- how are the kids doing when it comes to the social graces? Teach your kids how to behave at the dinner table and when they're out with friends, with these articles, tips, and advice.Subjects: manners, social actions, behavior, formal, compliments
Charmed, I'm Sureby Jean Robb Ages: 12+According to the wisdom of the Wendy Ward Charm School book, there is no compliment so great as when you walk away from someone, and they say, "Now there goes a charming girl". I wonder if Wendy Ward has charm school for adults.Subjects: charm school, posture, grooming, hygiene, classes, conversation
Don't Gross Out The Worldby Bill Haduch Ages: 5 - 12Sure, you know not to eat with your feet on the table at a fancy restaurant. But what about eating at a fancy restaurant in Khartoum in Sudan? Should you bring your camel in with you or leave him outside?Subjects: dining out, international, quiz, interactive, China
RudeBusters!by The Original RudeBusters Ages: 2+Actions really do speak louder than words. Parental role modeling helps teach children to be caring and kind. In fact, some studies show that children can show signs of empathy and concern from a very early age. In other words, parents have the power to nurture, guide, show and instill -- to teach kindness, responsibility, and gentleness in a rude and violent world.Subjects: teaching respect, sportsmanship, politeness, table manners, Golden Rule, preschool, self-esteem, good manners, telephone etiquette
Mannersby Meredith Corporation Ages: 3 - 17Is your child well mannered? We've got tips and ideas for every situation from the dinner table to the classroom. Learn how to help your child become polite and respectful.Subjects: eating, thank you cards, table manners, puberty, responsibility
13 Basic Table Manners for Kidsby Advice with Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee Ages: 8 - 15Is it still improper to have your elbows on the table when you are eating? I have two boys, who seem to think I'm crazy. Any other table manner advice you can give me would be well appreciated. I'm trying to raise our boys to have decent table manners.Subjects: restaurant, table manners, elbows, blowing your nose, appreciation
Girls Learn to Turn on the Charmby DeWayne Bartels Ages: 8+Beth Schwab has seen articles over the years about the crisis in confidence many young girls face while growing up. The North Peoria woman, like any parent, wanted to instill confidence and character in her daughter, Emily. Her solution: charm school.Subjects: society, girls, charm, self-improvement, lessons
Missis Wicks' Etiquette Guide For Young Ladies On-Lineby J.V. Jones and Paul F. Jones Ages: 10+Being a lady of excellent breeding and impeccable moral fiber, I know many things on a range of subjects, most particularly the proper way young ladies should deport themselves. It's come to my attention that young ladies today are running riot online ...Subjects: manners, young ladies, online, pictures, spamming
The Art of Etiquette for Young Menby Magnificent Manners Ages: 9 - 14The Art of Etiquette For Young Men offers boys an opportunity to learn the social skills, personal style and etiquette that can help them to become confident, self assured young men.Subjects: boys, classes, dining etiquette, visual, poise, social
Manners and Etiquette Theme Pageby TeacherPlanet.com Ages: 5+A resource for teachers about manners and etiquette. There are games and activities for children to do that will help in the learning of manners.Subjects: links, resources, traveling, table manners, behavior
Mind Your Manners! Part I: Why Manners Are Importantby Wayne Parker Ages: 5+All of us have had the experience of being mortified at our children's questionable manners at one time or another. They seem to breach etiquette standards, and usually at the worst possible moment. But embarrassment of the parents is only one reason...Subjects: proper behavior, socially acceptable, manners, stories, social graces, respect
Don't Forget a Handkerchiefby Kathleen Dryden Ages: 10+Recalling my own experiences and hearing stories has convinced me that the handkerchief has basically been lost and forgotten. Most men no longer carry them for their own use so consequently they don't have one available to offer a lady in need.Subjects: tissues, social situations, handkerchief, hygiene, emergency situations
How Etiquette Beganby Lisa C. McCormick Ages: 10+As prehistoric people began to interact with one another, they learned to behave in ways that made life easier and more pleasant. Manners had a practical purpose. Then early civilizations developed rules for proper social conduct.Subjects: history, French, rules, manners, practical, kindness, consideration
American Table Mannersby Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools Ages: 7+Teaching table manners may seem like basic social skills to be taught inside the home. Yet, we do have many immigrant families in California. Some may not aware of our American customs. Middle school students need not have a sophisticated knowledge...Subjects: social, skills, American, table, manners, food
Etiquette for Datingby Lisa C. McCormick Ages: 12+Boy-and girl dating really should not begin until they are either thirteen or fourteen years old although girls generally are ready before boys of the same age.Subjects: curfew, age, money, parents, car manners, after the date
Teaching Table Mannersby India Parenting Pvt. Ltd. Ages: 5+When your two-year-old spits carrot at you or gets more food on her face than in her mouth, you tend to forgive and forget. But if the story hasn't changed by the time she is ten, you're not indulgent any more. You're worried.Subjects: eating, mealtimes, table manners, society, how to
Where Have All the Manners Gone?by FamilyMatters Ages: 5+In an age where the standard of social manners has sunk to an all time low and we're surrounded by the media's constant bombardment of bad behavior, is it really any wonder that there are so many ill-mannered children?Subjects: well-mannered, media, boundaries, social etiquette
Handkerchief Historyby Luxury Magazine Ages: 12+The history of handkerchiefs, however, dates back thousands of years. The actors in the Ancient Rome in the II century AD. used white handkerchiefs playing comedies and satyrs. And the audience in the tribunes used to wave the handkerchiefs during games.Subjects: history, fashion, handkerchief, cloth, silk, cotton
How to Raise an Honest Childby BabyCenter LLC Ages: 3+Between ages 3 and 4, your preschooler begins to separate truth from falsehood, but this doesn't mean he's the most dependable reporter. He's still swayed by forgetfulness, wishful thinking, and imagination.Subjects: lying, development, social, emotional, honesty
Sportsmanshipby The Nemours Foundation Ages: 6+One of the most important goals of kids' sports is helping children develop a sense of good sportsmanship. Here's how to set a good example for your kids.Subjects: sports, coaches, teammates, role models, referees, parents
Teaching Table Manners to Your Toddlerby BabyCenter LLC Ages: 1 - 4It may seem like a long shot, as you watch him purposely drop his spoon on the floor and gleefully finger paint with his mashed potatoes. But with a big serving of patience, you can start instilling the idea that there are acceptable ways to act...Subjects: toddlers, manners, eating, misbehavior, restaurants, lessons
The Honest Child: How to Teach Honestyby Mary VanClay Ages: 5+By the time she reaches kindergarten, your child has a pretty good handle on the difference between truth and falsehood. Most of the time, her fabrications grow out of forgetfulness and wishful thinking.Subjects: honesty, fibbing, truth-telling, role models, good examples
All-American Girls Professional Baseball League Charm Schoolby AAGPBL Players Association, Inc. Ages: 12+In these few pages you will find many of the simple and brief suggestions which should prove useful to you during the busy baseball season. If you plan your days to establish an easy and simple routine, so your normal functions are regular, you will be ...Subjects: baseball, beauty, clothes, girls only, charm school