Budget Homeschool Links
Math Links
Thanks for visiting the Budget Home$chool Math section! So, working Math problems is not your
favorite way to spend an afternoon? Perhaps, these links will help you change your mind?
Math is all around us, used in many ways we never realize. Math doesn't have to be dull, tedious or hard to understand, for that matter.
This extensive set of links will provide plenty of fun, education and relief for the Math blues.
We've searched the web for the very best math sites available. Here you will find everything
from basic math facts, both online and offline flash cards, algebra lessons, statistics and how
to understand them, as well as division, story problems, tangrams, geometry and everything in
between. Explore the exciting world of mathematics. Great for both children and adults.
[/Algebra] | |  Coolmath Algebra Ages: 12 - 16Bored with Algebra? Confused by Algebra? Hate Algebra? Yeah, Coolmath can fix that. Totally dig Algebra? What to get ahead in Algebra? Coolmath Algebra has hundreds of really easy to follow lessons and examples that will make you a successful...
 Pre-Algebra - A complete course of studyby Free-Ed Ages: 12 - 16A complete, interactive course of study for first time pre algebra learners. There are lessons from: Solving word problems with whole numbers to dividing polynomials by monomials...Subjects: math, graphing, monomials, polynomials, geomety, measurement, links
Practical Algebra Lessonsby Elizabeth Stapel Ages: 12+ Purplemath's algebra lessons are written with the student in mind. These lessons emphasize the practicalities rather than the technicalities, demonstrating dependable techniques, warning of likely "trick" questions, and pointing out common mistakes.Subjects: math, intermediate algebra, advanced algebra, topics, beginners
 Algebra Worksheets Fundamentals of Equations and Formulas!by edHelper Ages: 12+Algebra table of contents mixed review worksheet. You select the categories! Algebra word problems and critical thinking problems equations. Algebra worksheets with answers. System of equations using the elimination method. Fundamentals of algebra...Subjects: math, algebra, review, skills, worksheets, materials, printables, links
 Arithmetic to Algebra!by Joseph G. R. Martinez Ages: 10 - 17These worksheets are based on the ideas that many students have difficulty making the transition from elementary school mathematics to middle school algebra. Arithmetic on left with equivalent algebra expressions on the right. Subjects: math, algebra, worksheets, arithmetic, exponents, expressions
Algebra Help Ages: 12 - 18A collection of lessons, calculators, and worksheets created to assist students and teachers of algebra. Begin by reading one of our lessons. Then find help with your homework using our step-by-step calculators, and test your knowledge using interactive wSubjects: calculators, lessons, resources, worksheets
Algebra Review in Ten Lessonsby University of Akron Ages: 12 - 16This is the review of Algebra in 10 lessons written in TeX and converted to the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Features include verbose discussion of topics, typeset quality mathematics, user interactivity in the form of multiple choice quizzes...Subjects: math, algebra, lessons, links, downloads, review
 Algebra Word Problemsby Free-Ed Ages: 12 - 17Algebra word problem worksheets and critical thinking. Reading comprehension worksheets - Each story includes math problems! Challenging word problems...Subjects: math, algebra, worksheets, review, word problems,
 Video Lectures for College-Level Algebraby Free-Ed Ages: 12+Content includes properties of the real number system and the basic axioms and theorems of algebra. Specific terms covered include algebraic expression, variable, product, sum term, factors, common factors, like terms, simplify, equation...Subjects: math, algebra, exponents, links, equations, presentations
Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebraby Amazon Ages: 12+"Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra" shows the reader the best way to perform each task, while the full-color examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk the reader through each task from beginning to end.Subjects: math, algebra, resource, SAT, GED
 S.O.S. Mathematics Algebra Solverby MathMedics Ages: 12+S.O.S. MATHematics is your free resource for math review material from algebra to differential equations! The perfect study site for high school, college students and adult learners. Get help to do your homework, refresh your memory, prepare for a test...Subjects: math, algebra, functions, equations, solving, systems, links
Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebraby Edwin H. Connell Ages: 12 - 17An online textbook on abstract algebra with emphasis on linear algebra. You may view any part of the book you wish. Although this is a copyrighted book, I am encouraging people to download and photocopy it, and use it as a textbook.Subjects: math, algebra, elements, questions, answers, classroom, downloads
The Math Forum @ Drexelby Drexel University Ages: 5+The Math Forum is the comprehensive resource for math education on the Internet. Some features include a K-12 math expert help service.Subjects: lesson plans, arithmetic, challenge, assignments