Budget Homeschool Links
Science Links
Are the kids curious as to how things work? The Budget Homeschool Science section provides terrific resources
to satisfy the needs of curious kids! We've included many interactive Science links -- everything from anatomy to
So close that dusty old Science book and bring Science to life. Virtual Science is both fun and exciting,
your children will simply love it. Show your son or daughter just how much fun a Science project can be and
they won't be able to get enough.
| The Shocking Truth About Electricityby David M. Jones Ages: 8 - 15Is electricity a mystery to you? Do you understand it enough to teach about it? Wouldn't it be nice if you could confidently and safely help your children understand what electricity is and how it works?Subjects: resource, E-book, electricity, experiments, examples, illustrations, science, technology, energy, circuits, switches, resources
| Physical Science and Ecologyby Lucas Learning Ages: 8 - 18Early in 1997, George Lucas challenged the staff of his newest company to create products that were equally educational and entertaining in order to engage children and young people actively in their own learning. Subjects: ecology, Star Wars, lesson plans, math, science
 Free Online Science Seminarsby Greg Landry, M.S. Ages: 12 - 18Greg Landry is director of Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab at Appalachian State University, where he teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab. He also teaches a variety of online science classes to 6-12th grade homeschoolers.Subjects: anatomy, physiology, pancreas, SAT, ACT, socialization, creation
Anatomy of the Human Bodyby Henry Gray Ages: 15+Anatomy is the branch of biology concerned with the study of body structure of various organisms, including humans. Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings - many in color - from the classic 1918 publication...Subjects: 1918, human body, muscles, organs, tissue
Earth Scienceby McDougal Littell Ages: 12 - 19Visualizations and investigations on the site were designed to build students' knowledge of Earth Science concepts described in the textbook, and to raise student awareness of Earth as a system of interconnected components and processes.Subjects: earth, tools, projects, learning, practice
Science Experiments For Kidsby Super Science Fair Projects Ages: 12 - 16If you haven't met me yet, my name is Detective ThinkMore and I am your Super Science Fair Projects guide. I am here to assist you through this mystery of science fair projects.Subjects: science, fair, projects, kids, experiment, competition
Albert Einstein for Kidsby Jason Haas Ages: 8 - 12Einstein is probably one of the most influential figures in science in the twentieth century, but more importantly, he was a man of great character. I chose to present this outstanding scientific figure to children...Subjects: Albert Einstein, life, science, inventor
 Star Child Science Programby Judy Wilken, MS Ages: 8 - 14StarChild Science lessons explores nature's use of energy flowing in forests, along beaches, marshes, meadows and along lakes; through the air, above the clouds and especially in their own backyards. We give parents ample opportunity to discover themselveSubjects: science, nature, energy, green, plants, animals, atoms, light, lessons
Kids Science Projectsby Creative Kids at Home Ages: 6+Science is about understanding the world around you. Don't think of complicated formulas, lab coats and text books. Think of the curiosity children are both with always asking why? That's what science experiments are all about.Subjects: free , projects, experiments, crafts, genetic, light
 A relaxed way to look at elementary scienceby Dr. Marie-Claire Moreau Ages: 4 - 12Science takes place all around us. Unless a student lived in total isolation, it would be impossible not to live everyday life without experiencing some form of science. Observing and interacting with things in the environment happen to children whether we notice them or not.Subjects: resource, organization, tools, guide, homeschool methods, tips, techiques, activities, support
Periodic table of the elementsby Web Elements Ages: 12+What do you want to know about the chemical elements? Explore key information about the chemical elements through this periodic table...Subjects: chemical, elements, periodic table, interactive
 The Great Plant Escapeby University of Illinois Extension Ages: 9 - 12Help Detective Leplant and his partners Bud and Sprout unlock the amazing mysteries of plant life! You will find that plants are an important part of your life. We will need your help to find clues, do experiments, and solve problems. (English/Spanish)Subjects: plant science, lessons, activities, math, problem solving, life
Online Science and Math Textbooksby Mark Dubin Ages: 15+Encyclopedia of Analytical Instrumentation is a comprehensive treatment of analytical methods including EM and spectroscopy. Detailed presentation of the basics involved in sequence matching and other aspects of bioinformatics.Subjects: links, learning, resources, activities
Amazing Spaceby Amazing Space Ages: 8 - 14Find all the classic Amazing Space activities. Get to know our vast universe by exploring its planets, galaxies, comets, black holes. Find online adventures, pictures of celestial wonders, and answers to cosmic questions.Subjects: activities, astronomy, space, mission, planets, comets
 How Everyday Things Are Madeby AIM Manufacturing Ages: 5+Introducing kids and adults to the amazing world of manufacturing. Our vision was to teach people about manufacturing, but to do it in a fun way. The best way for this to happen was to actually show things being made. Subjects: virtual, videos, factory tour, Jelly Belly, quiz, autos, manufacturing
Student Lessons - Montessori Ages: 10+A study comparing outcomes of children at a public inner-city Montessori school with children who attended traditional schools indicates that Montessori education leads to children with better social and academic skills.Subjects: montessori, volcano, solar system, galaxies, rocks, dinosaurs
Forensics in the Classroomby Tru TV Ages: 10+The show that started the forensics craze is often imitated but never bettered. With real investigations and real high-tech science, every episode of Forensic Files delves into every aspect of investigation: crimes, accidents, outbreaks of disease...Subjects: shows, videos, blogs, quizzes, challenges, forensics 101
Tools for the Self-Taught Technology Studentby Annette M. Hall Ages: 5+Providing children with access to technology prepares young ones for advanced educational opportunities and gives young people an edge in our computer driven society. Technology plays an important part of our world. Find out how...Subjects: computer, self-taught, video editing, cad web design, children games
Medical Terminology Online Ver. 2.0 - Lessonsby Sweet Haven Publishing Services Ages: 13+This is a complete and self-contained course in modern medical terminology. It is suitable for all students of the health occupations who will have a need to communicate with physicians, dentists, and other medical professionals.Subjects: terms, vocabulary, medial, systems, organs, anatomy
eNature: Bringing nature to lifeby David Sibley Ages: 5+Your guide to America's wildlife, include a comprehensive guide to America's birds with species pictures, field descriptions, range maps, bird calls, and much more.Subjects: wildlife, animals, nature, travel, photography, Audubon, birds
Our World and Beyond Earth, Science, Space and Technologyby BestHomeschooling Ages: 5+Links to science resources, science experiments, life sciences, physics, bubbles, earth sciences, astronomy, geology, nature, energy, weather science, volcanoes, links to large kids' science sites, and more...Subjects: activities, experiments, interactive, geology, energy, astronomy
Easy Science Project Ages: 10 - 15Watch this instructional video and learn how to power a simple LED clock using potatoes. Get an A on your science project. This 12-year-old will show you step-by-step. (Be sure to turn up volume.)Subjects: science project, potatoes, copper wire, electricity, video, power, potato, student video, middle school
Helping Your Child Learn Science Ages: 8+Many of the activities described in this handbook teach these concepts, which are drawn from the center's recent report, Getting Started in Science: A Blueprint for Elementary School Science Education. The nine concepts are...Subjects: learn, activities, camp, zoos, concepts, fun
Welcome to ScienceWizby Dr. Penny Norman Ages: 5 - 19This site is devoted to award winning hands-on science books, kits and supplies, science fair experiment supplies and information.Subjects: hands-on, global warming, motion, Newton's cradle, balance scale, climate change
Fundamentals of Geology - Lessonsby Carlson, Plummer, and McGeary Ages: 15+This course of study is built around Physical Geology: Earth Revealed. This is an academic course that is intended for advanced secondary and postsecondary studies.Subjects: lessons, sea floor, earthquakes, geologic, minerals, rocks
The Young Scientists Clubby The Young Scientists Club Ages: 8+Offering boys and girls quality science related products that will fascinate them with the wonders of scientific discovery and spark their interest in future scientific curiosity.Subjects: scientists, experiments, instructional, measurements, conclusions
Science Interactivesby Annenberg Media Ages: 12 - 19These interactives provide educators and students with strategies, content, and activities that can enhance and improve students' skills in a variety of scientific areas.Subjects: interactives, periodic table, volcanoes, weather
 Neuroscience for Kids Newsletterby Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D. Ages: 12 - 18Why Don't Woodpeckers Have Brain Damage? It has been estimated that these birds hit their beaks against trees at speeds of about 16 miles per hour. That's like running face-first into a wall! Subjects: articles, book reviews, brain trivia, science, puzzles, kids
SEP Kit Loan Programby Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ages: 8+These kits offer SEP teachers the opportunity to share hands-on laboratory experiences with students in their classroom, giving students a unique chance to experience an authentic, problem-solving approach to science using tools and concepts.Subjects: lesson plans, modeling kits, do it yourself kits, activities, loaner equipment
The Physics Classroomby Tom Henderson Ages: 15 - 19A set of instructional pages written in an easy-to-understand language and complemented by graphics and Check Your Understanding sections. An ideal starting location for those grasping for understanding or searching for answers.Subjects: physics, tutorial, laboratory, review, help, activities
Amusement Park Physicsby Annenberg Media Ages: 10+You've bought your ticket and boarded the roller coaster. Now you're barreling down the track at 60 miles per hour, taking hairpin turns and completing death-defying loops. The only thing separating you from total disaster is a safety harness.Subjects: roller coasters, physics, laws of motion, g-forces, physical science
Energy & Science Educationby California Energy Commission Ages: 10+ Academic Earth currently hundreds of lectures on mathematics and science. Fun Science Experiments & Ideas. Energy education information from Ireland. Tips on saving energy in your home and workplace.Subjects: energy, earth, fossil fuels, technology, fusion energy
Pepsi Temperatureby Gary Beene Ages: 10+Pepsi simply tastes better when chilled just this side of freezing! This page is about the nuances that the average Pepsi drinker may not have considered - tips which will maximize your Pepsi drinking experience. One immediate tip is to remember that a Pepsi will not freeze at 32 degrees, as will water.Subjects: article, science, soda, freezing point, carbonation, temperature, comparison, gas, H2O, air, realtionship, freezing, cooling
 Earthquakes for Kidsby United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Ages: 8 - 18The earliest reference we have to unusual animal behavior prior to a significant earthquake is from Greece in 373 BC. Rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes reportedly left their homes and headed for safety several days before a destructive earthquake.Subjects: science, projects, games, history, geologist, pictures, Earthquake ABC
Fun Science Resourcesby Jeannine LaSovage Ages: 8 - 15 Take an annual Internet-based adventure to learn about wildlife migration and seasonal changes. Track patterns of whales, robins, monarch butterflies, manatees, or loons! You can also help to track the arrival of spring in your area.Subjects: resources, animals, science, space, fun, learning
The Online Educationby LearnersTV Ages: 13+This is a comprehensive site providing video lectures, live online tests, audio lectures, and more in many fields of science and more. This site provides free video and audio lectures of whole courses conducted by faculty from reputed universities.Subjects: video lectures, biology, chemistry, tutorials, podcast, tests
Science to the Extreme!by Extreme Science Ages: 5+Extreme Science is the place online to find the biggest, baddest, and the best in the world of extremes and learn about the science behind what makes each the most extreme example of its kind. Here you'll find world records in natural science...Subjects: technology, space science, astronomy, extreme weather, oceanography
Kids Online Resources - Science, Physicsby KidsOLR Ages: 5+The science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two, grouped in traditional fields such as acoustics, optics, mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism, as well as in modern extensions including atomic and nuclear physics...Subjects: links, fun, games, tutorial, math, history, homeschool
 The Original Modern Urban Homesteadby Path to Freedom Ages: 10+This website documents the many steps the Dervaeses have taken and hopes to inspire fellow travelers on their own life-changing journey. Be inspired to take the first step...Subjects: homestead, uban, water, animals, energy, life
The Physics Classroom - High School Tutorialby David Heiserman Ages: 15 - 19This is the place to begin a serious study of physics. Just make sure you have your pencil sharpened and your study journal loaded with fresh pages of paper. This is a terrific place to begin building your understanding of physics.Subjects: physics, theory, videos, turorial, learning, projects
Astronomy Picture of the Dayby Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP) Ages: 10+Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.Subjects: astronomer, daily image, NASA, education
Environmental Explorers Clubby US Environmental Protection Agency Ages: 5+You can try the games and activities or get ideas for things you can do to help the environment. You can print out your own membership certificate...Subjects: plants, animals, air, recycling, garbage, games, art room
Periodic Chart of Elementsby Lenntech Ages: 10+The interactive periodic table of elements contains a link to a page that explains each chemical element including its properties, health effects, environmental effects, application data, an image and also information of the history of each element.Subjects: periodic-chart, table, elements, chemistry, effects, enviornment
The Interactive Library - Physicsby Edinformatics Ages: 12+Create your own activity sheet to go with the prgrams and your students are set for a new experience. Use these programs to supplement your classroom activities, or use one of the more advanced applets as a starting point for your science project.Subjects: physics, library, math, earth science, biochemistry
How Leaves Change Colorby The KGM Group, Inc. Ages: 10+The "Indian summer" days of autumn, when the days are clear and sunny and the nights cool and crisp, provide an almost irresistible lure to those who enjoy the outdoors. This type of weather is the most favorable for a spectacular show of autumn colors.Subjects: learning, references, earth, life, chemistry, biology, trees
Ocean Currentsby Smithsonian Ages: 10+Ocean waters are constantly on the move. How they move influences climate and living conditions for plants and animals, even on land. Currents flow in complex patterns affected by wind, the water's salinity and heat content, and the earth's rotation.Subjects: oceans, waters, current, climate, habitats, living conditions
Hunkin's Experimentsby Tim Hunkin Ages: 6+Welcome to Hunkin's Experiments. Cool cartoons that will have you experimenting with food, light, sound, clothes, and a whole lot more!! Find the trick experiment. All the experiments can be made to work, except for one trick experiment.Subjects: cartoons, fun experiments, food, clothes, electricity
Errors and science myths in K-6 Science Textbooksby Bill Beaty Ages: 5 - 12The complex and abstract nature of Science makes the subject difficult to understand. But complexity is not the only barrier to our understanding Science. The subject is made much more difficult by the presence of numerous misleading "Science Myths"...Subjects: physics, misconception, textbook, reform, popular myths
Math And Science Song Information, Viewable Everywhereby Greg Crowther Ages: 8+Deciding whether a song is a science/math song is admittedly arbitrary to some extent. Songs whose lyrics are primarily about scientific/mathematical concepts, scientists/mathematicians, and/or the process of doing science/math all qualify for inclusion.Subjects: song, database, science, math, library, teaching
The Energy Storyby Energy Quest Ages: 8 - 15Energy is one of the most fundamental parts of our universe. We use energy to do work. Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains, planes and rockets.Subjects: energy, electricity, plants, learning, universe, fun
Peeps Experiment 2005by UnSchoolers Online Ages: 5 - 12We were all fresh out of harmful chemicals, so because necessity is the mother of invention, we decided to use regular household products. We checked on our subjects every 15 minutes, and left them soaking for a total of 2 hours.Subjects: marshmallow, peeps, experiment, Oxyclean, chemical, reaction
 Science Experimentsby Madeline Ages: 5+Home of science experiments, science kits, magazines, science fair books, science fair projects and ideas. The kits provide enough flexibility so you can create your own science experiments.Subjects: kits, ideas, experiments, projects, methods, fun, learning
Monarch Watchby Monarch Watch Ages: 5+Monarch Watch is a cooperative network of students, teachers, volunteers and researchers dedicated to the study of the Monarch butterfly, and its spectacular fall migration.Subjects: biology, butterflies, caterpillar, conservation, flower, garden, larvae
Science News for Kidsby Anne Goodsell Ages: 9 - 14Our emphasis is on making the Web site appealing by offering kids opportunities to comment on and grade the subject matter, get ideas for science projects, and try out mathematical puzzles.Subjects: news, articles, puzzles, science, labs, fun, games
Science Karaokeby Lynda Williams Ages: 7+Science Karaoke is a very effective mnemonic device for memorizing terms. For visual and audible learners, like myself, seeing and hearing and singing the words of science helps me to remember them.Subjects: tutorial, science, entertainment, karaoke, fun, singing, physics
The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottinghamby Brady Haran Ages: 11 - 19Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one. We've done all 118 - but our job's not finished. Now we're updating all the videos with new stories, better samples aSubjects: periodic table, quizes, videos, learning, links, extras
Dig Magazineby Cobblestone Publishing Ages: 8 - 13The archaeology magazine for kids! Dig lets young people share in the thrill of archaeological discovery while learning about the cultural, scientific, and architectural traits and beliefs of different societies.Subjects: earth science, archaeology, Dr. Dig, paleontology, magazine, subscription, art, submissions
Superficial Muscles Tutorialby J. Crimando Ages: 8+ Study of structure and function of the human body. Topics include cells, tissues, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system.Subjects: muscles, face, leg, anterior, posterior, body, learning
The Myth of the Magical Scientific Methodby Dr. Terry Halwes Ages: 13+Modern science is an amazing phenomenon, and people naturally wonder how it works. Oddly, science has never been thoroughly studied scientifically, so we have quite an array of different answers to this question...Subjects: scientists, methodology, analysis, theories, scientific method
 ChemMatters Magazineby American Chemical Society Ages: 14+The award-winning high school chemistry magazine that demystifies chemistry at work in our everyday lives. Did you know that bacteria can clean up toxic chemicals in soil? How do nuclear power plants work and what risks do they pose to the environment and human health?Subjects: magazine, subscription, ecology, eco-friendly, green, farming, power, energy, scientists, science, environment, student, resource, activities
Periodic Table Displaysby Element Displays Ages: 8 - 15Three things make these displays more than just a collection of elements. First, we have gone to some lengths to include, along with the samples themselves, interesting examples of each element's application in the world.Subjects: periodic table, elements, collections, samples, learning
Education Resource Centerby Science Outreach Program Ages: 5 - 18Researchers in the biosciences and geosciences can utilize the education outreach programs of SOuP to enhance their grant proposals. SOuP works as part of the VT-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) initiative to form partnerships...Subjects: collections, resources, events, exhibits, links, projects and programs
Humming Bird Nestby Page Builder Ages: 6+These photos were captured at the Oso Flaco Dunes nature preserve, on the Central Coast of CA. The nest was built on very slim stems of brambles, about 30 inches off the ground.Subjects: nests, birds, pictures, fun, cute, learning
The Blue Planet – Tidal Seasby BBC Ages: 10+A huge tidal wave, sweeps 200 miles inland up the River Amazon. It's an event that only happens on key days each month, when the moon and sun combine their gravitational pull to maximum effect. The force of the wave shatters immense rainforest trees.Subjects: tides, waves, sand bubbler crab, raccoon, bottlenose dolphin, mullet
Weird Science Experiments - Science Projectsby Family Fun Ages: 7 - 15Maybe it's the spirit of experimentation, but something about science reminds us of the very groovy seventies. So, it's only fitting that we offer this retro-vention, which uses the principles of immiscible liquids (fluids that just won't mix)...Subjects: article, games, activities, lava lite, materials, directions, experiment
eChalk Science Previewby eChalk Ages: 6+Put some fun into your lesson plans with our exceptional science and math software that include online educational games, classroom resources and lesson activities for interactive whiteboards and data projectors.Subjects: interactive, resources, whiteboard, training, puzzles, lessons, activities
Energy Quest - Science Projectsby California Energy Commission Ages: 12+Below are listed a number of science and energy activities for students, K-12. Each of them have a short description on this page and then a link to the actual activity. Some activity sheets will need to be downloaded or printed with your Web browser softSubjects: science projects, science fairs, energy projects, demonstrations
The Wooden Periodic Table Tableby Eric Scerri Ages: 10+This website documents, in great depth, a large collection of chemical elements and examples of their applications, common and uncommon. This website now contains the largest, most complete library of stock photographs of the elements...Subjects: samples, elements, minerals, videos, resources, learning
 The Splendors of the Sea and The Wonders of the Universeby J.D. Knight Ages: 8+We have updated our astronomy calendar of celestial events to include many exciting new events for the year 2010, including meteor showers, eclipses, moon phases, planetary alignments, and more.Subjects: sea, sky, astonomy, timeline, calender, solar system
Animated Knots by Grog Ages: 6+Rope, and the sports associated with rope, can be dangerous. Wrongly handled, gripped, or tied, rope can kill, maim, or burn. You could be the victim! So, handle rope with care, inspect and test any knot you tie...Subjects: knots, free download, boating, climbing, fishing, scouting, search, rescue, household, decorative, rope care, safety
Anti-Gravity Machineby Joey Green Ages: 7+Here is a mad scientist experiment by Joey Green where you learn how to defy gravity.Subjects: science experiment, gravity, science, facts, make-your-own
Medical Biochemistry Subject Listby Michael W. King Ages: 18+This page provides a portal for the overview of subjects critical to the understanding of biochemical process. This course is designed for Pre-Pysician assistant, Pre-Medical and other students who are entering a medical profession.Subjects: medical, review, analysis, cancer, medicine, muscle, learning
International Boiling Point Projectby Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Ages: 5+The purpose of this project is to discover which factor in the experiment has the greatest influence on boiling point. Anyone can participate in this year's project. All you have to do is boil a bit of water, record a bit of information, and send it alongSubjects: activity, experiment, temperature, measurement, graphing
Seltzer Rocketsby Kaboose Ages: 6 - 12Inspire future astronauts with this Seltzer rocket craft. You can rest easy knowing that it's impossible for these rockets to burn anyone. Experiment with using one or two tablets into the canister to see if it will shoot up higher.Subjects: rockets, crafts, fun, learning, experiment
Undersea and Overseeby The Franklin Institute Ages: 7 - 14The oceans unite us. Reaching from continent to continent, from culture to culture, the oceans touch all people. The oceans challenge us to understand and protect them. Since time began, the salty waters have awaited human interaction.Subjects: oceans, questions, research, undersea life, learning
Weather - Twister - The Tornado Storyby University of Wisconsin Ages: 7+They came in a swarm: A raging storm of tornadoes ran across Tornado Alley on Sunday, May 4, 2003. One of the worst tornado outbreaks in recent memory killed at least 39 people, and obliterated towns in Missouri, Tennessee and Kansas. Subjects: tornado, interactive, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, learning
Ask a Scientistby Office of DOE Science Education Ages: 10+A dynamic resource for science students providing an online email form for submitting questions to a database of more than 20,000 science related questions. Our services have been in operation since 1991 and is a great resource for everyone.Subjects: chemistry, elements, reference, Newton, chemicals, electricity
Growing Your Own Snow Crystalsby Kenneth G. Libbrecht Ages: 10+It is simple, inexpensive, and fun to grow your own snow crystals, using little more than some dry ice, a plastic Coke bottle, and some styrofoam cups. This page describes how to set up this experiment, and what you can expect to see.Subjects: snowflakes, crystal, dendrites, phase diagrams, chemistry
HHMI's Holiday Lectures on Scienceby Howard Hughes Medical Institute Ages: 11+Nature has much to teach us, as long as we know where to look and what to look for. Join us for a four-lecture series as Bonnie and Toto guide us through intriguing slices of the natural world revealing how a deeper understanding of nature...Subjects: lectures, labs, videos, topics, interactive, learning
Learn About Chemicals Around Your Houseby US Environmental Protection Agency Ages: 6+Kids can explore a virtual house to find common household chemicals used in a home and yard and learn health and safety information about them. Site also includes frequently asked questions, test your knowledge and puzzle areas.Subjects: household, chemicals, hazardous, safety, pesticides, poison prevention
The Exploratorium the museum of scienceby Exploratorium Ages: 7 - 13The Exploratorium is an experimental, hands-on museum designed to spark curiosity -- regardless of your age or familiarity with science. Touch, pick up, and tinker with hundreds of exhibits. Your curiosity will guide you to endless discoveries!Subjects: museum, learning, explore, educate, shop
Here Comes Comet Linearby Dr. Tony Phillips Ages: 10+Comet LINEAR-S4 was discovered on September 27, 1999, by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research program in New Mexico. It appears to be a first-time visitor to the inner solar system traveling in an orbit that will return it beyond distant Pluto...Subjects: comets, trajectory, Earth, orbit, solar system, astronomers
Interactive Quizby Ocean World Ages: 8 - 19Associated with each of the background information sections are five Classroom Activities built on the common themes of: Systems and Structures, Energy, Change, Interactions, and Measurement. These Classroom Activities are intended to be a starting point.Subjects: quiz, students, educators, resources, practice, activities, fisheries
Light and Colorby Michael W. Davidson Ages: 12+Light is a complex phenomenon that is classically explained with a simple model based on rays and wavefronts. Each section outlined here is an independent treatise on a limited aspect of light and color.Subjects: frequency, wavelength, lasers, reflection, infrared, ultraviolet
MicroAngela's Electron Microscope Image Galleryby Tina (Weatherby) Carvalho Ages: 8+Come explore familiar and unexpected views of the microscopic world with these colorized images from electron microscopes. See close up views of the insects we often see in our lives and things we rarely see and perhaps wish we never did.Subjects: microscope, insects, biology, science, digital color, colorized images
Molecular Expressions Images from the Microscopeby Michael W. Davidson Ages: 12+These acclaimed photo galleries explore the fascinating world of optical microscopy. We are going where no microscope has gone before by offering one of the Web's largest collections of color photographs taken through an optical microscope.Subjects: microscopy, digital imaging, art, materials, integrated circuits, photography
NASA Questby National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ages: 5+NASA Quest is dedicated to bringing NASA people and science to classrooms through the internet. NASA Quest is the ultimate resource for educators and kids interested in meeting and learning about NASA people and space science.Subjects: quest, space science, aerospace, lesson plans, rockets, astronauts
 Mars Exploration Rover Missionby Jet Propulsion Laboratory Ages: 6+The Mars Exploration Rover mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Primary among the mission's scientific goals is to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils...Subjects: mission, science, technology, kids, leaning, experience
A Kids Adventure Storyby U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ages: 8 - 14Learning about superfund! Superfund is the federal government's program to clean up the nation's uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.Subjects: cleanup, kids, storybook, interactive, EPA
Basics of Space Flightby Dave Doody Ages: 13+Participants will identify the range of concepts associated with robotic interplanetary space flight and grasp how they relate to one another. This tutorial is popular with students and people everywhere who are interested in interplanetary space flight.Subjects: space, flight, solar system, rocket, missions, planets
Mountain Gorillaby World Wildlife Federation Ages: 6+The total population of the mountain gorilla is about 700 individuals, split almost evenly into two groups -- one in the Virunga range of volcanoes on the Uganda-Rwanda-DRC border and the other in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda.Subjects: endangered species, animal protection, habitats, Africa, conservation efforts
Science Fair Project Ideasby SKS Science Products Ages: 11 - 15Learn how some molecules are small enough to cross through certain barriers while others are not. Watch invisible bacteria from ordinary surfaces transform into visible bacterial growth! Observe how capillary action causes celery stalks to soak up water..Subjects: biology, lab, bacteria, chemistry, projects, forensic, fun
Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS)by Dr. Horace Mitchell Ages: 13+SVS works closely with scientists in the creation of visualization products, systems, and processes in order to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Science research activities at Goddard Space Flight Center and within the NASA research commSubjects: scientific, projects, links, visualization, gallery
Earth from Spaceby National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ages: 8+The NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography database of images is a national treasure. This database was compiled by our staff to illustrate some very interesting Earth features and processes, including cities as seen from space.Subjects: landscapes, hurricanes, water, geographic, interaction, photography
Earthquake Rose: The Rattle In Seattleby Norman MacLeod Ages: 12 - 18According to one of the geophysicists we sent the photos to, "The images are quite esthetically pleasing. I had not thought about the possibility of creating art in this way." Results of Olympia, WA 6.8 Earthquake, February 28, 2001.Subjects: article, art, science, earthquake, sand, pendulum, Port Townsend, seismologists
Space Place Launch Padby Diane Fisher Ages: 6 - 14Come on in and check out our games, animations, projects, and fun facts about Earth, space and technology. Watch Space Place Live and learn all about NASA scientists and egineers.Subjects: space, NASA, awards, games, quizes, fun, learning
The Trebuchet Challengeby GlobalSpec Ages: 10+Remember the trebuchet, the original siege engine? It's back and ready to put your physics muscles to the test. Custom build your TREB to take on three separate challenges: distance, accuracy and power.Subjects: projection, motion control, algebra, physics, interactive
Darby Duck and the Aquatic Crusadersby US Environmental Protection Agency Ages: 11 - 15Become an Aquatic Crusader and join Darby Duck in the fight against water pollution by understanding the characteristics of water, that precious resource we are trying to protect. And understanding how it interacts with other elements in the environment.Subjects: nonpoint source, polluted runoff, water pollution, water facts
Dual Fuel Cars Revive Brazil's Alcohol Industryby Mario Osava Ages: 12+The new "bi-fuel" vehicles could expand the use of renewable energy, which had been on the decline in the late 1990s. This technological innovation is a feat of Brazilian industry, although it involves transnational corporations.Subjects: automotive, fossil fuels, renewable, alcohol, production, Brazil, General Motors
From Grease to Gas - The biodiesel boom and the bumps in the roadby Hank Sims Ages: 10+As far as anyone can remember, Ian Sigman was the first person in Humboldt County to make his own automobile fuel. Sigman first heard about biodiesel sometime in the mid-'90s. By 1998 he had cobbled together enough information to try to make some.Subjects: biodiesel, recycling, greenhouse gas, emissions, vegetable oil
Comet LINEAR Misbehavesby Dr. Tony Phillips Ages: 10+Comet LINEAR did not become a spectacular naked-eye object as many stargazers had hoped, but it is intriguing astronomers with its peculiar dynamic behavior.Subjects: comets, NASA, Hubble Space Telescope, space, solar system
Terrain for Schoolsby Ecology Center Ages: 15+Terrain covers ecology-related topics relevant to Northern California. Teachers can use the magazine in a variety of ways: as a current-events adjunct to their lesson plans, as the basis for research projects...Subjects: terrain, environment, community, justice, teachers