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Budget Homeschool Links

Science Links

Are the kids curious as to how things work? The Budget Homeschool Science section provides terrific resources to satisfy the needs of curious kids! We've included many interactive Science links -- everything from anatomy to zoology.

So close that dusty old Science book and bring Science to life. Virtual Science is both fun and exciting, your children will simply love it. Show your son or daughter just how much fun a Science project can be and they won't be able to get enough.

[Science]  [/Astronomy]
    • The Solar System: Astronomy for Kidsby Kids Know It Network Ages: 9 - 15Our solar neighborhood is an exciting place. The Solar System is full of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, minor planets, and many other exciting objects. Learn about Io, the explosive moon that orbits the planet Jupiter, or explore the gigantic canyons Subjects: Kuiper Belt, gas, dust, astronomy, stars, astroids, solar winds

    • Planets of the Solar System Ages: 10+A website created to serve as a general online reference tool with up-to-date knowledge regarding the planets in our solar system. While attention has been given to the historical and cultural significance of each planet, the main focus of PSS is the basic science associated with the planets. Furthermore, PSS is unique in its coverage by providing not only facts, figures, images, and raw data for each planet, but also explanations of the fundamental scientific concepts related to the subject.Subjects: resource, planets, NASA, facts, images, figures, raw data, students, astronomy, JPL, ESA, solar system, Jupiter, Mercury

    • How to View an Eclipseby Ron Hipschman Ages: 8 - 18This is probably the most important part of this website. If you ever want to view an eclipse, the first thing you must know is this: Never view the sun with the naked eye or with any optical device, such as binoculars or a telescope! This is more than advice. Why? As a kid, did you ever take a magnifying glass out into the sun and burn leaves? If so, you probably remember that when the focused sunlight coming through the lens was refracted and concentrated to a small spot, the energy available there was truly remarkable. Guess what?Subjects: article, sun, lens, eye, retina, Pinhole Projector, foil, math, science project

    • Astronomy For Kidsby Ron Kalasinskas Ages: 5 - 12Basic introduction to astronomy for kids. Learn about what makes up the Solar System and more.Subjects: galaxies, asteroids, comets, meteorites, sun, moon

    • Free planetarium programs for observing the night Alan Sawicki Ages: 12+Astronomy freeware. This category is for planetarium or sky observing software. No shareware. Over fifty other free software categories.Subjects: software, interactive, planets, stars, observation

    • Astronomy - Outer Space for Kids by Ann Ziese Ages: 5+Lessons, crafts and experiments to learn more about stars, planets and constellations.Subjects: outer space, stars, experiments, rockets, exploration

    • How To Learn Astronomyby Warren Yates Ages: 8+Have you ever looked at the mountains or ocean and experienced the peacefulness that only nature can provide? Seeing something so enormous and wondrous makes you feel so small and insignificant. It can stop you in your tracks...Subjects: satellite tracking, charts, constellations, spaceship, stars

    • Astronomy and Spaceby Netscape Ages: 5+A database of links and activities for kids and teens about space and astronomy.Subjects: activities, space camps, black holes, exploration, gravity

    • Astronomy and Space for kidsby CBEL Ages: 8+Powerful and fun resource for kids, exploring astronomy and other space related topics. Play games, learn through interactive applications, and much more.Subjects: eclipses, time, stars, constellations, solar system, black holes

    • The Science of Astronomy For Kidsby Shabnam Sultan Ages: 10+The science of Astronomy is interesting and varied. There are a lot of resources for it for kids who are interested in the planets, the solar system, the universe and everything else that's part of this exciting science. For children, many parts of it...Subjects: Milky Way, Earth, moon, stars, light years, galaxy

    • Astronomy for Kidsby Astronomy Magazine Ages: 9 - 15Find out what it's like on other planets. Learn how far away the stars are. Try a fun, space-themed project. If you're a newcomer to amateur astronomy, eager to begin exploring the night sky, you'll have to overcome one of astronomy's biggest hurdles - learning to identify the constellations. After all, you can't find the Andromeda Galaxy if you can't find Andromeda.Subjects: resource, astronomy, stars, astroids, solar winds, constellations, Andromeda Galaxy, celestial navagation, The Sun, Mercury, asteroids, comets, orbit, spiral

    • Sky Charts, Catalogs, Atlases & Data Resourcesby Samuel J. Wormley Ages: 10+The catalogs on this web site include data from all astronomical regimes, but the emphasis of the archive is data from NASA.Subjects: maps, satellite images, stars, atlas, observation

    • StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomersby Meredith R. Gibb Ages: 5 - 15StarChild is an online astronomy learning center for students. Included are materials about the solar system, the Milky Way, and much more. There is information and online movies related to the solar system and space exploration.Subjects: asteroids, meteoroids, planets, astronauts, telescope

    • Star Charts and Moon Stationsby Steve Renshaw and Saori Ihara Ages: 12+Determination of the talismanic animals and associated star "palaces" together with the associated 28 sei shuku or moon stations represent some of the most complex aspects of Asian "astronomy". The associations have not only been adapted over the...Subjects: Japan, celestial, charts, stars, animals

    • The Nine Planetsby Bill Arnett Ages: 10+Information about each planet and moon in our solar system with many pictures, discussion of the history of its discovery, exploration, and physical characteristics. There are also pages about the Sun, many moons, and asteroids, comets and meteorites.Subjects: solar system, planet, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto

    • AstroCappella Activites & Lesson Plansby Karen Smale and The Chromatics Ages: 5+AstroCappella is a musical exploration of the universe, combining song and astronomy, to teach kids of all ages.Subjects: music, songs, model, moon, orbit, exploration

    • Astronomy Merit Badgesby U.S. Scouting Service Project Ages: 7 - 18Instructions on how to obtain an astronomy merit badge in Boy Scouts. *Describe the proper clothing and other precautions for safely making observations at night and in cold weather. *Identify in the sky at least 10 constellations, at least four of which are in the zodiac. Subjects: resource, Milky Way, observation, Sun, requirements, planets, identification, diagrams, safety, chart, constellations, zodiac, North Star

    • Science, Astronomyby The Webb Family Ages: 10+Powerful and fun resource for everyone, exploring astronomy and other space related topics. Learning about science should never be boring.Subjects: astronaut, telescope, astronomers, Hubble Space Telescope, space flight

    • Build Your Own Dobsonian Telescopeby Lin Robertson Ages: 10+Believe it or not, this telescope was built almost entirely in an apartment! And, for a city boy who never went out in the garage to help Dad/Ward Cleaver make wooden thingies in the workshop, it was a formidable challenge!Subjects: project, Dobsonian, build, telescope, instructions, astronomy

    • Astronomical Observing and Sky Chartsby Rob Kanen Ages: 10+The night sky reveals a wondrous array of stars, planets, galaxies and gas clouds, many observable to the naked eye, or with binoculars. The incredible magnitude of deep space does not become apparent until viewed through a good quality telescope.Subjects: telescopes, open clusters, star charts, observing, zenith, equinox

    • Did NASA Accidentally 'Nuke' Jupiter?by Richard C. Hoagland Ages: 8+On September 21, 2003 NASA deliberately directed its amazing, still-functioning Galileo spacecraft to make one final, 108,000 mph suicidal plunge into Jupiter's vast atmosphere. Thus ended the incredibly successful eight-year unmanned NASA Galileo missionSubjects: nuclear, explosion, mission, Jupiter, Galileo

    • Astronomy Picture of the Day Archiveby Robert Nemiroff & Jerry Bonnell  Ages: 8+Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief description.Subjects: eclipse, plants, galaxies, pictures, archives

    • Secret Worlds: The Universe Withinby Michael W. Davidson Ages: 10+View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, FL.Subjects: orders of magnitude, Milky way, space, solar system, Earth

    • Solar Eclipses for Beginnersby Fred Espenak Ages: 5+What is an eclipse of the Sun? What causes eclipses and why? How often do eclipses happen and when is the next eclipse of the Sun? You'll learn the answers to these questions and more in MrEclipse's primer on solar eclipses. Before we learn more about the eclipses of the Sun, we need to first talk about the Moon. Subjects: eclipse, moon phases, new moon, solar eclipse, Path of Totality, solar system, travel, exploration, safety

    • How to build a Spider for your Telescopeby Swayze Optical Ages: 8+This spider is easy to make, it's inexpensive, the vanes are very thin yet extremely strong, and it's light weight, too. I need to give credit where credit is due. I first saw it at the Chabot Telescope Maker's workshop in Oakland, California.Subjects: lumber, band straps, tubing, vision, light

    • How to Build a Telescopeby Fun Science Gallery Ages: 12+The most spectacular heavenly body to observe with a telescope is without a doubt the Moon. The best time to observe the Moon with your telescope is at the first quarter, when it appears only half illuminated. Under these conditions, lunar mountains and craters project long shadows, making them better visible from the Earth.Subjects: Instruction, blueprints, parts list, instructions, diagram, aperture, illumination, achromatic lens, achromatic objective, telescope, construction, aberration,

    • Sky Charts Ages: 10+Free software to draw sky charts. This program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in 16 catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown. The purpose of this program is to prepare different sky maps for a particular observation. Subjects: resource, night sky, nebulae, celestial atlas, planetarium, free program, iPhone, windows, imaging, 3D-planetarium